Quietly Typing

Me and Frank magazine at the newsstand again. This time, keystroke counting at the CBC made the cover. Inside was basically what I wrote. Suspiciously so.

But since I wrote that I’ve called an expert or two. They say keycounting is just not happening. Which means that CBC management is trying to spook their employees, the CMG is trying to cause discord in the CBC, or there has been some gross miscommunication between the two mobs.

Not having the original report the CMG saw, I can’t comment on which way this one went. But it reminds me of a story put out by the CMG about how we were looking to outsource Archive Sales to the BBC.

Plenty of otherwise intelligent people saw “archive” and “sales” and took this to mean that we were going to sell the CBC archives. Which was not the case. The truth is we were not even going to outsource the Archive Sales department. We were just looking to the BBC to help us sell some footage in Europe.

Now, the CMG could have made a phone call and cleared this up before sending out an alarming communiqué. And they could have issued a reassuring communiqué once the media got it wrong. They did neither.

And as a reslt, I still get emails from CMG members who think the CBC wants to sell its archives to the BBC.

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