Plus de négociations

Negotiations have already begun with the Syndicat des technicien(ne)s et artisan(e)s du réseau français de Radio-Canada (STARF) which has about 1300 members, and will start in April with the Association des réalisateurs de Radio-Canada (AR) which has about 350.

So far, management has outlined its demands to STARF and describes negotiations as “upbeat” and “enthusiastic.” But I remember this line from a few months ago, when union members were “enthusiastically” stringing up Stursberg in effigy.

The communiqu̩s we get are more like impressionist paintings of the negotiations Рkind of right, but only if you squint.

CBC Management is first out of the gate with a website, Négociations aux réseaux français de la SCRC, which reminds me of the impotent But it’s not just any website. Under the hood, I’m told it’s a WordPress blog.

Not sure how much importance to put on this adoption of blog technology, if any. Have they learned from the last time? Is it a coincidence? A convenience? Have they hired Tod Maffin already?

Allons donc! is still available!


  • Joe Clark says:

    The HTML clearly identifies it as a WordPress 2.0 blog, which, among other things, makes it nearly the only thing related to the CBC one may easily subscribe to via RSS. It is, moreover, the only thing related to the CBC with valid HTML. So let’™s not complain qu’™ils gettent avec le programme.

  • Anonymous says:

    I’m not clear on the STARF negotiations… but on the SCRC side it’s already starting to get nasty…. so we made get part 2 of last year’s lockout this spring….

    which reminds me…. why hasn’t the senior mangement team been let go yet?

  • Justin Beach says:

    This should be interesting. If this goes poorly there’s another lesson in it for them; Namely that blogs by those with great power are not seen in the same light as blogs by those with no power.

    It’s kind of like – if Rabinovich consulted the right people, bough the right closes, the right shoes, the right car, the right CD’s and dressed like the coolest teenager in the city – it wouldn’t mean that other teenagers would accept him as one of their own.

    Blogs are a tool for those with limited power and influence to make their voice heard. They do not have the same effect when used by people who could just as easily do a media buy.

  • Tod Maffin says:

    It is indeed WordPress (you can usually tell if it’s WordPress under the hood by adding /wp-admin/ to the end of the URL and seeing if you get an admin page.

    And no, I had nothing to do with it.

    If I had, I certainly wouldn’t have advised them to use that colour scheme! ;-)

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