Band envy

Been a lot of grumbling in the trenches since Job Evaluation took effect earlier this month.

9 years in the making, it classifies all CMG jobs into salary bands, among other things. It makes for interesting reading for nosy bastards, which is why a lot of people are nonplussed to see who is getting paid more.

A few thoughts:

1) Don’t all these starting salaries seem a little low?

2) Where are the New Media jobs?

3) Which poor sap is in the BM3 classification for Awkward Body Mechanics? “There is a continuous requirement for moving, bending, twisting or maintaining awkward or uncomfortable body positions while performing work.” For God’s sake buy him a chair, already.

4) I should have been a Supervising Hairdresser.


  • Anonymous says:

    Hey Ouimet,
    Glad I could give you a laugh. I’m really glad this site still exists. A discussion forum CBC issues that doesn’t take itself too seriously is a good thing as far as I’m concerned. I can only hope that working for/with you would be as enjoyable. For all I know I do work with you.

    And to the person who objected to my use of the term “talent”, I only meant it as a catch all phrase for high profile on air personalities who’s salaries go beyond any union scale. I mean I think we know Cherry and Mansbridge are not filling in a “Job Evaluation Slotting Challenge” form — though it’s kind of a funny idea.

  • Anonymous says:

    First off the project will not be chucked out. This started nearly ten years ago, when there were more unions.
    Too much time has been invested in it.
    While there are a lot of unhappy people (I’m one) there are a lot more who have accepted their slotting.
    Yes the salary scales are low but everyone who was on staff before the evil lockout was green circled. These scales are for new hires and they are minimums. There are still lots of people who get ad rems.
    By the way no one is “outside the talent ranks’. I don’t know about you but all my co-workers, even managers are talented!

  • Ouimet says:

    7:47 PM Anonymous –
    In the past I’ve checked my salary against but came to the conclusion that either everyone in Toronto but me is stinking rich, or the numbers on that site are too high.

    Some of the New Media jobs are indeed covered in the other bands, but I know there are more web-specific jobs that I didn’t see in there. What about the programmers and the guys who do the designs? I figured if they overhauled the system they would include these newer jobs. It’s 2006!

    Your last line literally made me LOL. Well played.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Ouimet,
    First of all congratulations on coining the phrase “Band Envy”. What a great phrase for describing the “I can’t believe they get paid
    more than me” syndrome.

    To address your other concerns:

    1. I guess starting salaries are negotiable like everything else.
    There used to be a lot of people in the Guild outside the talent ranks receiving “ad rems” added onto their salary which meant they were paid way over scale.
    If this is still a common practice nosy bastards are still out of luck. However these people can usually be identified by their loud claims that they don’t get overtime (Yeah right).

    2. I think the New Media Jobs are covered under Producer and Reporter bands already listed. Can anyone verify this?

    3. I think the BM3 classification is for people who fall in front of Standing Committees.

  • Anonymous says:

    It seems many are contesting their slotting in Toronto. My group are doing one as a whole, and everyone is invited to do one individually.

    If it turns out that many are doing so, what will happen then? Will HR and the Union bail on the whole process? I’m betting they will. I’m betting it’s too much work for them.

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