Steve the Second

Hey Scarborough! Be sure to turn on CBC Radio One this Saturday at 11:30am ET, and the following 3 Saturdays after that.

That’s when Steve the Second is on, made by blogging heroes Matt Watts and Joe Mahoney. It’s a post apocalyptic comedy and a sequel to Steve the First, which may or may not have paralleled the career of Robert Rabinovitch.

It also has some talented, non-blogging people in it. You should listen.

For a bit of background, read this old Star article on Matt and radio drama, which is worth it for the adjectives (“comfortable slouch,” “lanky,” “hangdog,” “deadpan”), and Joe’s production diary which outlines the meticulous procrastination and gyros that go into this sort of thing.


  • Michelle Hamilton says:

    I listened. The show was awesome! It was really, really funny. Did they already air the First?

  • Anonymous says:

    damn, I only just caught the end credits…. complete with music from the (gag!) Alan Parsons Project!?… all that money for casting and they can’t hire a composer?

  • cbcworkerbee says:

    Thanks Ouimet. Definitely owe you that beer. I’ll leave one in the atrium with your name on it. :-)

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