No future

One of the disadvantages of being in the eye of the maelstrom was that I hardly had time to read my own blog, let alone others. So I took the time to go through every one on Tod’s list to see what was up.

To my surprise, I discovered Curious Monkey was back. Back in the day – oh, about 400 years ago – he was one of the first out of the starting blocks. Pure vitriol. I enjoyed him immensely. Then he stopped. Then he started. Now it looks like he stopped again.

If you look at his link list on the right, that was pretty much it at the time. There you will find a link to Dan Misener‘s great site. He also dropped out, which was unfortunate. But he seems to be back, too.

I also discovered a site called Advocating for all CBC Freelancers, which is really on to something. He hits pretty hard. Why this site never became popular is beyond me.

Justin Beach is also on to something. I said before that cbcwatch sucks, although the idea is a good one. Perhaps this will be the good cbcwatch, on steroids.

A quick tour today shows that Hadeel is going to keep blogging about the CBC, the Drone is going to soldier on, and Tod, I’m sure, will keep I Love Radio alive – a great site, even before the lockout.

And this morning I got an email from some people calling themselves the “Lockout Archive Project.” It was a form letter from the CMG.

It started with: “Hello CMG bloggers,”


They asked me not to erase any of my blog, because they want to save it as part of a larger project. They also asked for my help in contacting the other anonymous bloggers. If you are one of them, let them know at (You still reading, Charlie?)

I said before that the Golden Age of Lockout Blogs was mid-August. It was an exciting time, with blogs starting hourly. People were writing in spite of themselves. The quality varied. And in time, some dropped out. I almost deleted the Tea Makers myself, several times over.

But if that was the first wave, we’re now on the cusp of the second. Some will suck. Some will be good. Some even might make a difference.

It should make for an interesting read.


  • Swivelhead says:

    Hey Ouimet,

    While I disagreed and / or retched violently at some of your comments, I’m thankful you jumped into the fray to begin with a stuck to it all the way though. I do hope you will agree to have your blog archived alongside the CMG bloggers — regardless which side of the dispute you were on (and largely you were quite impartial) you were a crucial part of the discussion. Archiving all this material and omitting “The Tea Makers” would leave a gaping hole in the story.


  • Anonymous says:

    I’m going to thank you for Where’s Bobby (part III). It is so rare to have a genuine vision presented.

    It may not be the most informed, but it could represent a starting point.

    I’m betting the magic three have no idea what your talking about, but we do.

  • Anonymous says:

    Now that it is over (almost), I thank you, Ouimet.

    Your blog was a necessary part of my daily routine. Kind of like the tabloids at the supermarket checkout–you don’t WANT to read the headlines, but find yourself reading them anyway.

    You were a unique part of this lockout, regardless which side of the fence you were on.

    Take care.

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