(a note from the editor and publisher of The Tea Makers)

Today I conducted an “email interview” with Tod Maffin, mostly because I thought it would be fun.

I have since received many emails about it. Just 2 things I want to clarify:

1) Robin may be off the rails, but that doesn’t mean he is wrong. His posts are complex and confusing, even for me, supposedly an insider. Are they right? They might be. Just because I don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not true.

2) I am not Robert Ouimet. That was a joke aimed at certain persons out there who are convinced that I am. I am most assuredly not him. Most likely, anyways.


  • radio 3 on the web. huh? says:

    2:24 AM?

    Oh Robert, let it go already.

  • bigsnit says:

    I’d love to debate it with you, but since you don’t have the courtesy to identify yourself it’s a bit difficult. But heh, guess what – this isn’t about me !

    Robert Ouimet

  • radio is not the web says:


    I worked with Robert Ouimet in Vancouver, and there have been few worse experiences in my life. Yelling, temper tantrums, a complete allergy to criticism or dissent of any kind, that’s the kind of management style we had to put up with.

    The Radio 3 office had a real siege mentality at the end…. Robert still had 2 or 3 supporters, most of them severe cases of Stockhom Syndrome.

    Also, he hates radio. And he never tried to hide it. His goal was always to do radio shows without announcers. Huh?

    He also said some very unkind things about most other CBC services. But he doesn’t seem to be able to let go. His blog is all about the CBC, putting his own spin on stuff, and trying to promote his own legacy….. all of which makes it hard to buy the line that he “quit”.

  • Justin Beach says:

    ooh ooh I know, you’re Rabinovich and you’re just trying to throw us off by calling for your own head!


  • Ouimet says:

    Er – no. That was a joke, too.

  • Anonymous says:

    Most definitely, answer me that, Batman…

    The Riddler

  • Anonymous says:

    But are you the other person you named?

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