Small Dead Animals

I get a lot of hits from something called “Small Dead Animals.” As far as I can tell, it’s some kind of right-wing web site. Whatever it is, they all read my site, and there are a lot of them.

Here’s what they have to say:

“I bet Ms. Pink the tea maker blames the president for the skid marks in her undies as well. Again, we see some diaper-Dostoevsky activist that obviously slept through basic management classes.

“Blaming a CEO for the destruction a union does to the corporation is like blaming your sex ed teacher when you get yourself a dose of clap.

“I would remind Ms. Pink tribe that there were no problems in the CBC before the union arrived.”

I know he is making fun of me, and I should probably be angry or insulted, but its actually pretty funny.

I wish I would have thought of “diaper-Dostoevsky” myself.


  • Anonymous says:

    rose: cbc would be tanking even worse than it is if it couldn’t post better web visit numbers than SDA. is a news repository site, with feeds from cdn press, ap, reuters, afp, and cbc news.

    but to casually discard SDA as a “right-wing blog” is beyond stupid. shouldn’t journalist-types strive to keep an “open” mind?

    i’m one of those who sometimes wonder if we need the cbc. i watch the national, listen to radio 1, etc. but in no way am i loyal to those shows. i haven’t missed seeing peter or listening to annamaria at all.

    what i don’t get is, how does the cbc, which claims to forward canadian humour, miss out on the ‘trailer park boys’? instead we get rick mercer and ‘this hour..’ or the ‘air farce’. don’t get me wrong, i sometimes laugh at these shows, but if this is the best comedic talent we’ve got, we’re in bad shape. john stewart, ol’ ricky ain’t.

    and while i realize cbc does provide a service to those far-flung corners of canada, it still relies far too heavily on the cdn taxpayer. someone isn’t maximizing the opportunities available to the cbc. and don’t tell me doing such will “alter the original concept of the cbc, blah, blah”. sorry, cbc’s gotta keep up with the times as well.

    lastly, to the picketers fearing this going on ’til january, be real! as soon as the ndp lays into the liberals about the cbc “injustice” in the house, they’ll quickly order a resolution to the dispute.

    after all, the liberals are relying on the cbc to help them through the next campaign.

  • rose in vancouver says:

    I can assure you that many more western Canadians read her stuff than the CBC website.

    Oh reeeaaally. I think you may have a little case of over-inflated self importance here. see, there’s a little tool called where you can check any website’s web stats, and i can greatly assure you that Catherine’s blog is not really a competitor of the cbc. see here:

    shocking! people actually go to the cbc website? wow! never mind that is just one of dozens of cbc sites. Believe it or not, there is a high demand for the cbc’s resources, and many people all over the world, not just canadians (or western canadians – im one of them!) find the cbc an invaluable tool.

  • DEW in east Ottawa says:

    My sympathies re: some of the peanut gallery’s commentary here(and I think anyone else here who also wants the Lockout ended amicably and SOON PLEASE knows which members I’m referring to here).

    If there’s one thing the Lockout has taught me, it’s the value of a fully-staffed CBC running on all cylinders. Radio One was all that kept me sane at the day-job office every spring(not to mention informed of all sorts of Cool Canadian Stuff I wouldn’t have known of otherwise).

    Best of luck in seeing this ended sanely and soon!

  • Abe from Alberta says:


    I get a lot of hits from something called “Small Dead Animals.” As far as I can tell, it’s some kind of right-wing web site.

    Are you serious? SDA is one of the most popular political blogs in Canada, and is something like the fifth most popular political blog in the world according to the TTLB rankings. Have you never heard of it?

    Its written by a Saskatchewan motorcyle painter named Kate McMillan. I can assure you that many more western Canadians read her stuff than the CBC website. Maybe when y’all get back in you should do a story on her, given that the CBC is so interested in interesting Canadians.

  • Anonymous says:

    Anonymous said…
    I have not watched the CBC in three years, nor listen to the CBC on the radio, and I have not used the CBC web site. I have programmed the TV and the preset radio stations to skip the CBC.

    The CBC is not meant to be all things to all people. That’™s why God gave us remote controls. I work at CBC and my TV isn’™t hard-wired to channel 6. But I DO watch it for what it does best- a Canadian perspective on News and Current Affairs, documentaries and sports, a Canadian perspective of humour, any show that doesn’™t have stupid people doing stupid things for a lot of stupid money. If you don’™t want to watch (or listen) to CBC it is your right in a democratic country not to be forced to-the options are limitless.
    But it certainly doesn’™t warrant a hate-on, friend.

  • Laurence says:

    October! Ouch!
    First we miss Katrina/New Orleans and now we’ll probably miss the G.G.
    If Tony is half the guy I think he is, he should be chewing carpets and biting desks by now.
    Oh well, onwards and downwards….

  • Ouimet says:

    re: LinkedFiles/CBCblog-AugustWest.html

    That’s a depressing blog. I think that poor woman is cracking up.

    1) Do you think Burman and Dyer are supporting / driving this situation as much as the other four?

    I would say “no,” but I could be wrong. I just don’t see it. Although I am surprised at how quiet Tony has been, the word I’ve heard to describe his current mood is “apoplectic.”

    2) What do you think of the January time-frame?

    I hope that it won’t happen, if that’s what you’re asking. But the contingency plan I saw certainly allowed for it. What we’re hearing these days is that Sept is a write-off, so I have hopes for Oct.

    But hockey will be on TV, lockout or no. Trust me.

    Any thoughts on Fournier?

    Sounds like a good choice to me. If they have to choose from the BoD, better him than Sahi.

  • Anonymous says:

    “I get better news and traffic from the all sports station here in Ottawa than I did from CBC Rad One… “

    I just don’t buy that. More frequent traffic? Yeah, probably. But better news? No. And certainly not more in-depth coverage.

    I’m a regular CBC radio listener in Ottawa, and I tried CFRA news/talk one morning a few weeks ago. Forty-five minutes of Steve Madely, and although I did get a lot of traffic, other than that all I learned was that he doesn’t think much of Michaelle Jean. Forty-five minutes!

    And honestly, who CARES what he thinks? We could have heard from half a dozen law profs, historians, fashion consultants, Haitian-Canadians, and Ezra Levant in that time. People who’ve done some reading, type of thing, rather than a guy who’s paid to cough up an opinion on the news of the day no matter what it is. Listening to talk-radio blowhards and hours of call-ins can sure be entertaining for a while, but come on — it’s no substitute for real current-affairs programming.

    Nobody else even pretends to try to do what CBC radio does.


    I’m constantly amazed by the people who boast they haven’t consumed any CBC material in years, yet are experts on everything it broadcasts.


    Ouimet: Any thoughts on Fournier?

  • Frozentoes says:

    In response to the: “I get better news, traffic, sports etc. coverage in insert large urban centre here ” comments… The CBC provides a valuable service to the smaller more rural areas of the country. In a number of areas, like the Canada’™s North, CBC is the only provider of local, relevant information.

    Frankly, up North we don’t care about the traffic conditions in Ottawa, or which politician is being investigated for whatever in Vancouver. It may be interesting but it doesn’™t matter to us. Our issues and concerns are just as relevant to us and deserve airtime. The CBC has been doing just that and they’™ve been doing a damn fine job.

  • Phillip Blancher says:

    The longer this lockout goes, the less people are going to care. And noone cares now. I get better news and traffic from the all sports station here in Ottawa than I did from CBC Rad One…

    Time to shutterdown!

  • Anonymous says:

    “I don’t have children, so I want my education tax money back.”
    You forgot National Defence. The last time I looked at a map, the only country that could mount an invasion of Canada is directly to the south, and they say they’re protecting us.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Ouimet,

    Thanks for your blog.
    I’m wondering if you’ve seen the following and what you make of it…

    From an employee blog at:

    excerpt …
    “Rumour has it that The Gang of Six (Rabinovitch, Stursberg, Smith, Chalmers, Burman & Dyer Inc.) who continue to stage the coup inside CBC headquarters, are pushing for a long, long lock-out.
    We’re talking January, here, ladies and gentlemen. January.”

    I work(ed) at the Toronto Broadcast Centre as a TV news producer and it’s interesting to me to see Tony Burman and Heaton Dyer included in the list above. Not shocking, or unimaginable, just intriguing – even clarifying – to think that they’re as invested in making the sorts of changes the others are more publicly gunning for.

    So, two specific things I like hear your thoughts on, in addition to anything else you’d like to add:

    1) Do you think Burman and Dyer are supporting / driving this situation as much as the other four?

    2) What do you think of the January time-frame, which I’m imagining is set to coincide with the beginning of a federal election campaign?

    As someone who work(s/ed) on the TV news side, I’m looking forward to your analysis. Thanks.

  • Anonymous says:

    I don’t have children, so I want my education tax money back.
    I have never had (knock wood) a serious, costly illness so I want my health care tax money back.
    For that matter, I can’t remember the last time I used Canada Post. How about some of that money back too.
    Not an immigrant. Never been on social assistance or received employment insurance. Not a farmer and never received a mad cow or act of god subsidy. That’s just the easy examples off the top of my head.
    I want it all back.

    Geez, I’m going to wait by the mailbox. I should be getting one hell of a big refund.

    Obviously, I’m being sarcastic. The premise that one has to personally use a service for it to be valuable is so ignorant, I just can’t even fathom it.

    Who are these people??? Shouldn’t there be some kind of intelligence screening for bloggers?

  • Anonymous says:

    The fellow that hasn’t watched CBC for 3 years has left the same message on the CBCunplugged blog. Apparently, he has already made a liar out of himself.

  • Anonymous says:

    To the anonymous who says,
    I have not watched the CBC in three
    years. Good for you.
    What do you want a medal?
    Oh, sorry …you want your taxes
    back…oh sure!
    And maybe you could give me the taxes back for the services you do
    use, that I don’t!
    Right now, there is a news
    hole so big in my community.
    And it’s not being filled by 2 minute newscasts on private commercial radio stations.
    I guess some bias is acceptable to you…as long as it’s commercial.

  • oakwriter says:

    The stuff you have to put up with when you’re a star. Jeez.

  • Anonymous says:

    Your CBC blocker doesn’t seem to be working.

  • Anonymous says:

    I have not watched the CBC in three years, nor listen to the CBC on the radio, and I have not used the CBC web site. I have programmed the TV and the preset radio stations to skip the CBC. To block the CBC on your computer there is a file called “hosts”, insert the line:

    I used to get mad at the bias the CBC has, now I just ignore it.
    I only wish I could get my taxes back.

  • Laurence says:

    Lordy, you certainly get your share of nutters.
    However, thank you for keeping this going.
    You get some excellent contributions as well as the dross.
    And you seem to be able to give as good as you get.
    It’s quite entertaining.

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