
CMG is pretty clear on who can collect strike pay: members who show up to picket. This $200 a week, which is not a lot.

So it is only the hardcore union supporters and those who really need the money who show up to picket. Its unfortunate that you won’t see the “big names” on the picket line, because these are the people who have the starpower to end this quickly. No one wants to see Peter in a sandwich board.

Presumably, they don’t agree with the union, or they find picketing beneath them. But it was nice to see the on-air staff of Moving On on the picket line this morning, in full CBC regalia.


  • Kevin Harvey says:

    Shelagh Rodgers drove more than a 100 kilometers to spend a day with her fellow CMGers in Corner Brook NL. She did an interview with NTV saying she was pissed with how management was misrepresenting her when they repeat Sounds like Canada..failing to mention that the program was recorded earlier. Lots of pictures of her visit here,


  • Anonymous says:

    Thank you. It helps to be fashionable on the line. There’s never any excuse to look like a slob — even when wearing a sandwich board.

  • Ouimet says:

    My apologies to both of you, and to Peter and Wendy, for my inaccuracies. For obvious reasons, I was not on the picket line very long that day.

    You are right, anonymous. I was sure you worked for Moving On, but a quick web search proves me wrong. The shirt remains gorgeous, however, and it looked great on you.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hmm… “nice to see the on-air staff of Moving On out.”

    I think you’re referring to me, the one with the funky blue t-shirt and pizza logo.

    As much I love Moving On, I don’t actually work for them. I’m a producer with Metro Morning… y’know, the show that’s been replaced by Cancon top 40? And the other wheelies are CBC News staffers, all permanent staff waiting to get back into the building.

    The Moving On staff have all ended their contracts since the show is renewed season by season (how’s that for flexibility?) This includes the host, who is safely at home right now… waiting for her next contract to be renewed once this stupidity ends.

    Maybe they’ll be some of the people who end up with staff jobs… or maybe they’re already the way of the future.

  • Swiv says:


    Anna Maria Tremonte has been on the line both days so far. Wendy Mesley and Peter Mansbridge have both showed up (no, not together) AND done the laps, and Pete DID have the sandwich board on . . . maybe didn’t do the 4 hours needed to collect strike pay, but I’m betting they’re not putting in for it either.

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