A Transparent Hype

Four months later, News Network still touts itself as new and improved. As compared to  it’s more obvious condition,”not much better”.
The promo they run has images and words flying by quickly to convey urgency and drama. Also behind the scenes pictures of the photo shoot for the announcers’ glossy stills for web pages and other materials.
We hear the words “more transparent” being proclaimed, but have yet to see any such thing on the News Network.
As if to back up the claim, the video shows Mark Kelley in dialogue with a U.S. Congressman, seeming to convey the message that this American official is a hot-head while Mark is calm and reasonable.

But it doesn’t ring true.
The person appears to be directing his displeasure at Mark himself and not at Canadians or a polite question.
No doubt the idea is to try and make Mark and CBC news gathering look good, even bold and fearless.
But it seems contrived, and indeed “selfish”.
Makes you think twice about trusting Mark Kelley and CBC News to give a fair representation of events, let alone buying into their exaggerated self-promotion.


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