A Review From The Future

Is it possible to write a review of a television show that one hasn’t even seen yet? A show that hasn’t even been completely made yet?

In October, eight months from now, Doc Zone will start a new season with an episode entitled “Information Overload”.
We’ll venture a guess and say that it’s about technology and multi-tasking and email. Also about stress and strain on the brain.
But it’s really an easy guess since the phrase has been around since Alvin Tofler made it popular more than 30 years ago.
And to do a documentary about in 2010 seems outdated and contrived, like someone has run out of ideas.
Not surprising to find that Tod Maffin makes a cameo appearance. He does, after all, tout himself as an expert on the futility of multi-tasking, and a survivor of the personal meltdown. Also as a crusader against misleading photographs of sandwiches with melted cheese on them.
Here he is shooting a sequence right across the street from the hotel Lou Reed & The Velvet Underground once stayed at. (it’s true –more pics)
Tod advocates that people ease up on their use of technology, and considers this good advice for anyone in business today.
But the words “information overload” were long ago considered both a cliché and an exaggeration.
Society has moved on, and so too have filmmakers who want to capture the impact that a connected and digital world is having on all of us.

New PBS Frontline documentary “Digital Nation” can be streamed flawlessly HERE


  • Armchair 'Wow' Saying Imbecile says:


    PoonGirl and Allan in a new Teamakers schism?

  • PoonGirl says:

    Allan is a piece of crap.

  • Lou Reed says:

    And in case you forgot, Teamkers, Allan interviewd me. Yeah, he interviewed me, Lou Reed.

    Hey, how’s it going, Allan?!?! WTF dude? I haven’t heard much from you since that great day in Vancouver. That really brings back some great memories of the hour and a half you spent with me, namedropping and watching me eat raisins.

    Because, you, Allan, interviewed me, Lou Reed.

    Let none of you forget that. And, hey, say hi to one of my other fave Canadian interviewers Daniel Richler if you see him around town.

    I remain your humble interviwee,
    Lou Reed

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