But how can you expect to manage the CBC on wine that is LESS than $65 a bottle?

Kevin Gaudet, of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, sums up the mood of a country …

“That organization has a culture of excess at the executive level and they shouldn’t be surprised when parliamentarians and taxpayers want automatically to say no when they come back cap-in-hand asking for more money.”


  • Anonymous says:

    Are you kidding? This is just the regular Sun chain swiping at a favourite whipping boy, the kind they’ve been publishing – shoddily – for several years now. Yes, excess is bad. But the sum total of this ridiculously outdated excess story amounts to one single job. The 799 other jobs being lost is a real disaster. This is just a politically-motivated sideshow to make you forget that.

  • Anonymous says:

    In the face of the massive layoffs which are coming, this is a public relations disaster.

  • Anonymous says:

    Yay, decapitations! Of all the problems with CBC, a bottle of wine in 2006 is pretty low on the list. By the standards of corporate excess, treating VPs to a $75 dinner is pretty low.

    In fact, that kind of spending got quashed last year, so this is a non-story. But I’m glad Allan is in a position to “sum up the mood of a country”.

  • Anonymous says:

    This is ridiculous and greedy. And, then it’s the everyday workers who pay the price with the layoffs. Off with their heads I say.

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