Dear Dave Jeffrey

To commemorate this very special occasion of your retirement from the CBC, a member of the staff has put together this moving slideshow of all the people who will still be working here after you leave… roll ’em!


  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Can one of those gold-plated insiders with perfect access to Tea Makers’“compatible information please explain all these references to us, the benighted outsiders who scrabble, paparazzi-like, for tidbits of half-baked information that erratically flakes off the enamelled hide of Fort Dork?

  • Anonymous says:

    Only a very small part of the technology departments (and of a certain “type” or “level) were encouraged to go, so this is a very small “self-declared-elite” subset of CTO.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Self-declared elite sub-set?” Please. There were a couple of dozen or so people who still worked for Dave or who used to. It wasn’t exclusive, it wasn’t elite, and it wasn’t a secret. Sorry you felt left out. Maybe you’re just not very well-liked?

      PS: a certain level?? RAOF LMAO