Should the Tea Makers accept paid sponsorship?

It may surprise you to learn that over the years I’ve had many offers to put advertising on my web site. It certainly surprised me. One of the top investment banks in the UK offered me a very lucrative deal in which they would be the prime sponsor for the Tea Makers.

Had they even read it?

My usual response is to make fun of these people. They disappear quickly.

But perhaps I was too hasty. I run this web site as a hobby and for free, and will continue to do so, but a small budget might come in handy. For one, I could hire some chaps in India to solve some technical issues, instead of begging my usual unholy cabal of nerds. To whom I am very grateful, by the way.

I have a few elaborate pranks in mind, that would need some cash to pull off. I could hire some artists to make cartoons. I could hire some writers to write. How much would Antonia Zerbisias charge me for 400 words? She might make fun of me, like I made fun of the UK investment bank. And then I would have become the thing I used to mock.

Once again, the Ad Man has come knocking at my door. And instead of answering him myself, I pose the question to you, gentle reader, with this simple poll.


  • Ouimet says:

    Just to follow up on this and let you know what happened:

    An ad company asked me to take part in a pilot project to see what kind of rate I deserved. So I put an ad up here for a few days.

    But this company isn’t for me. I will wait for a better offer, if it ever comes.

  • Anonymous says:

    Possibly some chocolate maker would like to sponsor, as it has come to light that the CBC is considering bringing back aboard the sender of tainted bon-bons in our Western province. Is this possible? Will all of the corporation wear the badge of semi-crazed thugs who would welcome challenge with salmonella laced sweets. Nice.

  • Justin Beach says:

    Do as you will, it really doesn’t matter – my experience is that most advertisers for blogs don’t pay enough to make it interesting anyway. But, if you’re going to have a sponsor go for Starbucks, not Tim Hortons

  • Coffeemakers says:

    An opinion has become a valuable thing these days… might as well get paid for it!!!

    I would like to see a great big CTV banner at th etop of this blog.

    Congrats Ouimet!

  • Anonymous says:

    How many form the UK read this blog? Let them sponsor you, you make money and it won’t bother us since its advertising a product we can buy.

  • Anonymous says:

    “Unholy cabal” !!!

    I knew that the CBC was run by witchcraft. Do “investment banks” know.

    And could CTV advertize or Astral Media? Would “Allan” or Joe Clark by ads? Or the Lynch Dick Committee?

    Does teamakers have standards, or do they just drink any old rotgut RedRose teabags?

  • Blistering Barnacles says:

    Yes, but sponsorship by a UK investment bank? Oh well. I was hoping Typhoo or Tetley would step in with megabucks …?!

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