Vidcap of the week


  • Anonymous says:

    When is Stursberg coming out officially? Why is Carole ‘dating’ a fag anyway? Sounds like a prototype for a new reality sit-com.

  • Allan says:

    Forgive my poor manners – Congratulations to the happy couple!
    In You Honour, loud rock music comes out of this word, but here’s a way softer one, for Carole.

  • Allan says:

    Hot potato indeed. Even Ouimet has to be careful here.
    Office romances are tough on everybody – not that there’s anything wrong with that!
    she could receive special treatment ?
    Go ahead – let her have the exclusive interview with the Grand Poobah or whatever else is considered the sweetest plum in News. It won’t matter. She’s not up to the task anyway.
    I’ve watched Carole for a while now on the Sunday show and absolutely nothing she’s done stands out.
    In fact, only one thing qualified as noteworthy, and that was last Sunday when I looked on the screen and saw, not a dolled up presenter, but rather a housefrauh. I wondered – what happened to her!? I guess it doesn’t matter how you look on Sunday morning.
    Fellow staff can always hope for the best – this may be her exit strategy out of a nowhere job.

    There’s a slight guilt in talking about this. After all, love is a human right, and people got to be free, as they say.
    And no one wants a work environment that’s so suffocating you can’t even breed.

  • Anonymous says:

    It is very hard to feel sorry for Rabinovitch, but imagine his mortification reading that tawdry stuff in The Star.

  • Johnny Happypants says:

    The picture on the left is dark. It might be Burman smacking his head.

    I guess this is Stursberg’s revenge for not getting the desk in the newsroom.

  • Anonymous says:

    I’d enjoy this more if this was Stursberg smacking his head on the left, and Carole MacNeil throwing her head back on the right.

  • P says:

    Is she gargling with red wine?

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