The International Academy of Wiggers

I’m a big fan of those couches in the Atrium.

They first showed up during the Olympics, along with a huge projector-screen TV.

Sure enough, when Olympic hockey was on, it was impossible to get a seat. Remember hearing all those cheers and jeers while you were working?

And it wasn’t just truant CBCers, either. There were lots of folks from the surrounding buildings, coming to watch on their lunch break. The CBC was a place to go, a cool spot, and the channel to watch. It was a good feeling.

I was afraid the couches would disappear after the Olympics were over, but they haven’t. I’ve never seen them empty, no matter what time of day I go down there. It warms my heart every time – because this is what we need. Our cold, echoey, impersonal Atrium turned into a living space, a place to sit down instead of a place to pass through. A place that welcomes passers-by and invites them to rest their feet, no pass needed. And hey, check out this television we’re making, too – it’s pretty good. (If only we had somewhere to listen to CBC Radio without having to ride the elevator all day.)

You’d think that the couches were a brainstorm of some Sub-Committee of the Steering Committee for Opportunity in Seating, but they’re not. They belong to the Academy, folks, and they were the Academy’s idea.

It took a bunch of lip-ringed, brain-dead, Daddy-paid-my-huge-tuition yahoos to come up with a halfway decent idea for the CBC Atrium, after the best minds in media have been here over twelve years.

I bet it took them 5 minutes.


  • Anonymous says:

    wot is a wigger?

  • Ouimet says:

    9:42 PM Anon –
    That sentate report is great, but it is only that: a senate report. Those ideas are not new. They are all over this site. What I’d love to see is less rhetoric and more action.

    9:49 PM Anon –
    What rumour? You can spill it here, we’re all anonymous.

    Johnny H –

  • Mr. Natural says:

    The Academy’s idea?! It was a bit too daring for our leadership…

    But while entertaining daring corporate initiatives, couldn’t we have one of these somewhere on the ground floor?

    It’s supposed to be a great remedy for sick building syndrome.

    No, huh…

  • Johnny Happypants says:

    Damn you cynics. I can’t wait to see Ryan Malcolm take on Sugar Jones to be The One.

  • Anonymous says:

    I thought that this post was going to be about the rumour circulating around about certain alleged people who were allegedly students at the alleged institution in question.

    Is that even true?

  • Anonymous says:

    what, no coment on The National being bumped for a US reality show? Or on the senate report? It’s you or the Globe, all other information channels have been closed.

  • Anonymous says:

    I saw CBC Toronto for the first time last year. And I have to say the atrium looks more like a shopping mall than I’d expected. But people hanging out on couches is generally a good thing.

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