Sufferin’ Succotash! CBC A-Twitter

CBC creates an abundance of distractions from productive work.

There’s even a Twitter feed of CBC Tweets.

Samantha Bee, Tech Correspondent


  • Anonymous says:

    @John 5:57
    Noe one’s betting the farm.

    Just when the it’s vs. its dies down, here comes No vs. Noe.

    Or is that Twitter dialect?

  • John says:

    Noe one’s betting the farm. If Twitter disappeared tomorrow, we’d still be here.

    Setting up all these accounts took maybe one shift. Maybe another half-shift for a designer to make all the logos. So, the investment isn’t all that great.

    We’re just using a new avenue to get the news out and interact with the audience.

  • Kev says:

    So do you often bet the farm on people who tell you that they have a great plan to make money, but just haven’t bothered up to now and won’t tell you how they plan to in the future? Chances are what we have here is a VC with a chronic case of Concorde Syndrome.

  • Kev says:

    It is a big waste of time. It doesn’t have any coherent business model. Unless it’s bought out and kept running by Yahoo or similar (unlikely in the current climate) it will eventually fold, along with all the services and communities built on top of it.

    Chances are they were hoping to reach a critical mass of users and demand a cut of SMS profits from cellular operators, but by all accounts any such overtures so far have been laughed out of the boardroom.

    See also: Twitter is not public infrastructure

  • John says:

    It’s great how most critics of Twitter will readily admit they don’t use it and don’t get it. But it _sounds_ like a big waste of time.

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