Guinea pigs

The experiment in which you were unwitting participants is now over. After polite but relentless remonstration from certain quarters, I decided to stay completely away from the comments section for a full week.

Hypothesis: People would call for my beheading less often, because this is supposed to be an inclusive blog and comments are the province of readers, not of whatever Ouimet happens to the writer.

Finding: Confirmed.

So, Kev and fellow haters, you won’t exactly get away with murder, because I am not promising never to write a comment on my own blog ever again, but I’m just going to let you kids go and play in your sandbox. This doesn’t mean your coworkers actually like you or don’t know the true identity cowering behind a cloak of anonymity. It doesn’t mean several other things, either, like reverting to the ancestral Tea Makers. It certainly does mean I am willing to improve.


  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Fine. I take that back.

    But I did not issue a call for suggestions. This isn’t a democracy and you’ve just got to stop comparing me to the olden days.

  • Vancouver Guy says:

    “It certainly does mean I am willing to improve.”

    Oh really.

    I’ll have to come up with a more comprehensive list of “suggested improvements”, but for now…

    – try using fewer expletives
    – try to understand what circumspection and subtlety are, they were amply demonstrated by “the real Ouimet”.

    Not that one would expect you to be identical, but at least respect the opinions of your readers who bother to comment, who bother to compare, and who expect something more from Tea Makers than self centred rants.

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