More ads from 70s magazines

God bless Jamie Bradburn and his garbage-picking ways, for he has brought us more great CBC ads from the 70s. Click each one for a larger version and to read Jamie’s clever, informed annotations.

And don’t miss his first batch.


  • Johnny Happypants says:


    That low sound thing was grandfathered in during the McCain Pizza Pocket years to guarantee those ads would be heard—really stand out—when they played 12 times/hour. The reverse mortgage people are insisting on the same service, I guess.

  • Jason Paris says:

    Another newbie to these parts…

    *Why is CBC Newsworld ALWAYS much quieter and has worse sound quality than every other channel on the dial? I’ve noticed this on ExpressVu, Star Choice and Rogers cable. I always have to crank up the volume when watching a Newsworld program.

  • Johnny Happypants says:

    I’m flattered, but I don’t want to jeopardize my chance to get George Anthony’s job when he leaves in the next 10 to 15 years.

    I’m not starting my own blog, I just want to protect my name in case some not-so-funny guy decides to start using it.


  • Ouimet says:

    allison –
    You can get a preview of the fine films the CBC will be showing next season if you check the Shoppers’ Drug Mart $9.99 DVD bin.

    Johnny –
    If you ever start you own blog – or want to write regularly for this one – let me know.

  • Johnny Happypants says:

    Enuff with the golden oldies. You want to go down memory lane? Just listen to the narration on any promo. I swear it’s the same guy that was doing “Best On The Box” 15 years ago.

    And are these new Nature of Things airing? In the summer? With no promotion? Are we stupid?

  • allison says:

    I don’t want to mess up the newer, more positive vibe around here, but there’s nowhere else online I can ask important questions like:

    @ what, does the cbc own the rights to “Happy Gilmore” or something? Because I’ve lost track of how many times that gem has aired.

    @ is there some sort of CRTC requirement that the cbc announces “shhh, the con is on” every half hour?

    @ and why exactly does the sound clip going into and out of commercials? Or, more importantly, why has it been allowed to happen consistently for months? Anyone else getting this? Or is it just here in the boonies?

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